PTSD is the cause for my inner battle with my demons, it's not really easy to explain what it feels like but it's overwhelming at times. The trauma is like a black hole for my sanity. It pulls my mind today dark thoughts. At times I get a push to do something about trauma and the people who feel lost; without a support system. Only love can heal you, it may be a slow and gradual process though. Often the mornings are empty, without a purpose or direction and quite depressing yet I show up. Probably the only struggle was to get out of bed or maybe go to bed. Insomnia is real when you go through trauma. It's when you're alone with your thoughts you have to fight the hardest battle. These lines, "why me?, try me" keep me going day after day. I think it's easier when you accept what's occurred rather than life in denial. Life is filled with challenges which is an opportunity disguised for your growth, so I embrace the challenge get through each day at a time. Post traumatic growth can find a new direction.