i don't see any difference after i told my issue to my close ones and that freaks me out the most, to open myself after that. They sometimes forget i have this issue. They still don't take the initiative to even learn how to listen to me or what the do's & dont's. I often calm myself and try to think and act as positive as i can, so they won't be hurt by me. While I am the one who has the issues and I am the one that needed that! Ironic. I went to this talk about mental illness and most of the people who asked questions and all were those with the illness itself (?)... iImean, WE ARE HEALING OURSELVES and that's nice but it would be really nice to see those who say they will support actually be there to support you! This is why i decided to survive by myself. I am in fear of getting hurt by promises & hating on others, so it is better for me to avoid that rather than go through it.