I am a teenager from mumbai. Well I always had a pretty rough time everywhere. My parents being the typical always forced me to study their dreams that they could never accomplish.Yeah you may say I am exagurating but you will never know unless you walk in my shoes. Like no friends, relative and neither family to support .I did have friends but my parents forced me to break the friendship as they thought it was distracting me to achieve their dreams. Never in my life have I brought a friend at home. Relatives as usual they always taunt me every now and then. My family considers me as a stranger like they always favour my sister like 95% of their time. I have to sleep with lights on just because she wants to ,I have to be as intelligent as her, she is the pride of the family and I am the black sheep. They taunt me for being fat like dude I am 50 kg with 165 cm at 14 what do you expect. Lifes a mess. Honestly theres a lot more but idk why I am writing to you but guess I will let people know about my pain as people around me would never notice so ig a stranger would understand me .